
maybe it was all the good parenting

Proving that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree -- or that at the very least the tree has a pretty sturdy branch -- Nicholas Hughes, son of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath, hanged himself yesterday, immediately gaining more fame than he had ever received in his entire life. Well played, Mr. Hughes.

In other news, this bloge is starting to profoundly bother me. Starting to. I dunno, maybe it was the little baby wandering around the bed that did it, the realization that all life is a futile dance with misery and depression. Or maybe it was just something I had for dinner. It's hard to tell sometimes.



After like a day and a half with my finger on the Publish Post button, things finally resolved here in the passing of Natasha Richardson, age -35 (though imdb, despite posting an article confirmation, has yet to change the date of death, so who knows? Maybe TMZ'll come out and say she's up and at it within an hour. Personally I think this could be the perfect opening for a Liam Neeson zombie feature.)

Seriously though, shit like this isn't funny. Her starring role in the atrocious The Handmaid's Tale -- funny. Being taken off of life support -- not funny. Take it down, folks, you might need to remember this stuff in the future.

But as tragic as this is, there is a silver lining. All we need is to convince Colin Firth to start cranking out horror novels and elect Hugh Grant as Prime Minister of England and we've practically got the real life version of Love Actually. So cheer up, Oskar Schindler. Claudia Schiffer is only a few twists of fate away.

One of these days I'll be jailed for this blog.


you were right, ron

Alan Alda totally should have won.