
the deathday party

Noble Prize winner and playwright Harold Pinter, age -2, done up and died today, failing in his life-long attempt to upstage Jesus. Ironically enough, Pinter's work has generally been called Pinteresque, a word coined for Sally Pinter, a plumber's assistant in Detroit. Pinter is best known for being Jewish, 'cause there are so very few of them in the entertainment world. Besides writing a bunch of obscure plays that, despite being fun to act in, are always the most dreadful of stuff to watch, he was likewise a pioneer in poetry that nobody read and crappy screenplays (seriously, has anyone else seen The French Lieutenant's Woman? Even Meryl Streep was subpar.)

In all seriousness, Harold Pinter had a massive influence on the world of pretentious theatre, helping to ensure that untalented actors everywhere can always fall back on forced pauses and surrealism when they are unable to make a conventional plot engaging. Perhaps the thing I like least about him is that his Wikipedia page is so goddamn unnecessarily massive and clearly oozing with uncontrollable fanboy argot. Czesław Miłosz's page is like, two paragraphs, and he won a Noble Prize too. (Though to be fair, he's got a silly name.) I'd also like to point out J.M. Coetzee's page, but only because there's a single quote that has sixteen citations. Sixteen!

And just in case you're curious, my favorite play of his is hands down Krapp's Last Tape, which A.) wasn't actually written by him and B.) also has an absurdly large Wikipedia page! What the hell is wrong with you fucking theatre people! As Shakespeare said, "brevity is the soul of wit, assholes."

Or, you know, something close to that.

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