
endnote indeed

Unfortunately Blogspot is giving me a hard time creating footnotes for this post, which I planned on using to shower down a barrage of unnecessary notations for every single world. Alas.

David Foster Wallace, age -34, who was perhaps best known for a 1000+ page novel containing lengthy, sprawling, uncontainable endnotes (Infinite Jest), was found hanged by his wife earlier today. One of the premier young writers of the 90s and early 2000s, Wallace always kinda bugged me. He seemed like the kinda guy who would be smug about their smartness and all the articles they got published in Harpers and blah blah blah. Dude was summa cum laude, postgraduate at Harvard, winner of a bunch of prestigious awards, but it seems to me that the only thing those fancy degrees taught him was how to tie a sturdy rope.

... too soon?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just realized I don't like finding out when people I like die through your blog... from now on I'm reading the paper before checking it.