
this one's for you, don

It would take a titan of industry to bring this bloge back to life, and I could think of no one more suitable for such an honor than the incomparable Don LaFontaine, age -18. His words may not speak for himself, but his voice certainly does. Like Kelsey Grammar before him, this man made a career -- a career as impacting as any other big-name Hollywood star -- just by talking in his everyday voice. He's even lazier than a book on tape guy, basically. In honor of his enduring legacy, we bring you a commercial plug-in much rather than the billions upon billions of other, better videos available on YouTube.

For always and forever, Don. For always and forever.

(And for those of you who don't really think this is that big of a deal, try to imagine a world of trailers with guys like this at the helm, filthy germans:)

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